Image for York In Recovery

York In Recovery

Mental Health & Wellbeing

York In Recovery are a peer-support, and peer led recovery group. We are experts in direct personal experience and therefore offer a safe space,  activities, and connection for members of the York  Community who are either in recovery or who may not be in recovery but have an interest. We're a judgement free zone, we've all walked in each others shoes, so if you're considering starting your path to recovery, or if you've been in recovery for some time and are looking for a group of like-minded people to hang out with - come along! 


Our key points of contact are the Recovery Cafe sessions we host every week. These are Sunday morning, Tuesday tea time, Thursday Afternoon, plus a dedicated Women only Cafe session on a Friday afternoon. All the sessions are coordinated and ran by YIR group members. These take place around the City and we implore you to just visit one yourself. There is nothing to lose and nothing to fear!

You can find out more information on our Recovery Cafe page.

Along with the Cafes we have our allotment the Serenity Garden, as well as many WhatsApp  and Facebook groups to keep you in the loop with up to date information. 

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