Image for York Friends of the Earth

York Friends of the Earth


Seeking volunteers

A new campaign group to tackle the climate and environmental emergencies. we are part of the Friends of the Earth network of over 200 groups across the country. 

Friends of the Earth's national campaigns (as of June 2023) are: 
United for Warm Homes - our aim is to secure Government investment in a nationwide street-by-street energy efficiency and renewable heat installation programme. 
Councils and climate change - driving up the ambition of councils and Mayoral Authorities to deliver on the climate emergency 
Planet over profit - to introduce new legislation to make companies more responsible for the environmental and social impacts of their global supply chains
Healthy Environment - to ensure a healthy environment for all people regardless of age, race, economic status or class. 

We're also active in local campaigns identifying and tackling some to the key issues in the city. 

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